is a top tier advisor to international leaders ​who want to change the world. We turn ideas ​into action. From former Secretary of State ​John Kerry's vision to solve the climate crisis, a ​next-gen battery maker growing from stealth ​mode to gigafactory, or an industry giant ​fighting regulation--we are the firm leaders hire ​to launch big campaigns, then execute and ​manage them for success. With experience in ​marketing, public affairs, and government ​affairs we help our clients see impact.

Our services

Trustom Strategy is a public affairs and government ​relations firm focused on helping businesses, ​organizations, and government design and implement ​winning campaigns.

We work best when you have a strong vision and need ​help making it a reality. If it's stalled, we can jumpstart it.

We work at the intersection of your brand and your core ​business. We support high functioning marketing teams ​and high-level executives with measurable goals to meet.

If you have an initiative to get off the ground or a special ​project that needs to be built from the ground up you can ​count on us to execute.

Public relations

issues management

GOvERMENT Relations

Crisis response

Executive Eminence

Media TRaining

Coalition Building

business Development


Investor Relations

Corporate Strategy



New England +

Washington, D.C.

Paul Tencher